✨ Bonus: HTTP Client

HTTP Client #

The framework comes packaged with a very basic HTTP client. You can use this client for sending server to server requests, or even testing certain aspects of your application.

Creating the client #

To create a client, use the HttpClient.create() factory method:

HttpClient client = HttpClient.create("https://google.com")

This will create a client for the server at (in this case) google.com.

Creating a request #

Once the client has been created, you can create requests to send to the server.

HttpClientRequest request = client.createRequest()

If no path argument is specified when invoking createRequest() it will use the root path (/) and the HTTP method will default to GET.

Sending a request #

Once your request has been created, use the httpClient.send() method to send it. This will return an instance of HttpClientResponse .

HttpClientResponse response = client.send(request)

Augmenting the request #

Before you send the request you may want to augment it by adding things such as headers and cookies.

Adding parameters #

HttpClientRequest request = client.createRequest()
request.setParam('foo', 'bar') // Appends the parameters "foo=bar" to the query string.

Setting headers #

HttpClientRequest request = client.createRequest()
request.setHeader('Foo', 'Bar') // This sets the "Foo" header to "Bar"

Setting cookies #

HttpClientRequest request = client.createRequest()
request.setCookie('foo', 'Bar') // This sets a cookie named "foo" whose value is "Bar"

Sending a POST request #

Sending a POST request involves:

  • Creating a request
  • Setting its HTTP method to POST
  • Adding data to the request body
  • Sending it

The request body can be an instance of FormData such as a UrlEncodedForm or a MultiPartForm (for sending file attachments) or a String.

Sending a simple form #

Below is an example of how we send some form data. The server will receive this request as an x-www-form-urlencoded entity.

/* Create the POST request */
HttpClientRequest postRequest = client.createRequest(HttpMethod.POST)
/* Create a form */
FormData formData = FormData.createBasicForm()
formData.setParam('email', 'me@mail.com').setParam('password', 'password1')
// Or alternatively FormData.createBasicForm([email: '...', password: '...'])
/* Add the form to the request body */
/* Send the request */

Sending a form with files #

You can also use the HTTP Client to upload files. To do this, you must use a MultipartForm:

FormData formData = FormData.createMultipartForm()
formData.setParameter('profilePic', new File('profile-pic.jpg'))

Sending JSON #

To send a JSON request, pass the JSON string to the HttpClientRequest.setBody() method and specify a ContentType:

String json = new SignupForm('me@mail.com', 'password1').toJson()
postRequest.data(json, ContentType.JSON)
client.send(postRequest) // Sent as Content-Type: application/json